Meet Scott Ward, the world’s first Indigenous Comedy Hypnotist with the longest running Hypnosis Show in Moccasin Country!
He travels all across North America entertaining and educating youth and adults with his positive high-energy comedy hypnosis shows, as well as his empowering educational workshops. Visiting 50 communities a year and having hypnotized thousands of people, Scott is a highly requested full-time comedic stage hypnotist and Going Miles speaker.
As a certified teacher and career counselor, Scott had lots of fun hypnotizing his students and teaching them so he decided to take his show on the road full time. Scott is well known for his work with youth of all ages in the various workshops he facilitates on issues affecting them today. As an educator with a background in drama and Native American education, Scott combines his knowledge and hilarious hypnosis show to provide companies, associations, organizations and communities with an interactive, high-energy workshop/entertainment package suitable for all ages and events.
Scott Ward is a member of the Sandy Bay Ojibway Nation and shares his native culture in his presentations. You will be simply amazed and mesmerized by Hypnotist Scott Ward as he is a natural with the audience and provides a high quality, fully produced, hilarious hypnotism stage show that consistently results in satisfied clients and communities.